Chris Mannion


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Hi, I'm Chris, Royal Navy Veteran and Founder of Meander, an AI-powered career marketplace.The innovation landscape is dominated by outdated practices and bureaucratic roadblocks, making rapid and effective innovation challenging for both startups and large organizations. Growth-focused, data-driven startup leaders and corporate intrapreneurs often struggle with a culture resistant to change and legacy systems that stifle creativity.In early 2023, I faced a significant challenge when I lost my technical co-founder. Determined to keep building the company, I ramped up my technical knowledge and continued developing Meander as a solo founder. This experience deepened my expertise in leveraging GenAI to accelerate innovation and drive tangible business results.I’ve created a fast way to gain a competitive technological edge and overcome these internal barriers to deliver tangible business results. Over the past three years, I’ve built my company using GenAI as a co-founder to brainstorm potential markets, develop personas, analyze customer needs, build sales and marketing engines, test and iterate business models, and create prototypes and MVPs.Now, I offer my services as an adviser to help other growth-focused startup leaders and corporate intrapreneurs leverage the latest GenAI tools to innovate and achieve reliable results in their niches. You can achieve these results without needing deep technical knowledge, expensive consultants, or months of training.With my experience and expertise in using GenAI, you can confidently innovate, optimize your strategies, and drive your organization forward. Let’s work together to transform your ideas into actionable projects and achieve your business aspirations.


I have over a decade of experience building great teams, from aerospace engineering to analytics and recruiting.In the past 10 years, I've played roles as an analytics leader in supply chain and talent domains, recruiting director, and engineering operations leader. This journey culminated in building Meander, an AI-powered career marketplace, using GenAI tools.I bring a holistic understanding of the importance of leveraging cutting-edge technology to drive innovation and growth in high-growth companies. I combine business leadership with practical HR and technology insights to help organizations thrive.As an adviser and mentor, I partner with entrepreneurs and corporate intrapreneurs during their growth phase. I help them integrate GenAI tools into their innovation processes, enabling them to brainstorm potential markets, develop personas, analyze customer needs, build sales and marketing engines, test and iterate business models, and create prototypes and MVPs.If you are a founder or startup executive passionate about driving innovation and leveraging GenAI to make better decisions, I'd love to hear from you.My area of expertise includes non-engineering roles at high-growth technology companies. I've worked with startups from pre-seed through pre-IPO and have experience at F500 companies and the military.If you're interested in working together, click below to submit an inquiry, and I'll get back to you within 48 hours. You can also check out my FAQ to learn more.


Who is your ideal client?My ideal client is a founder, senior leader, or corporate intrapreneur at a high-growth technology company. We’ve had great success with startups from pre-seed to pre-IPO, as well as with large organizations where rapid innovation and leveraging GenAI tools are critical.How many clients do you work with?I keep my advising business relatively small, typically working with at most 3-4 companies at one time. Because of this, I require a discovery call before working together. The discovery call aims to assess mutual fit, not to sell you on my advising services.How long does an advising engagement last?Most of my engagements last between 4 and 6 months, though this can extend to 10 to 12 months depending on the needs of the client. My minimum commitment is for at least three months together. I always work with companies and individuals who are a good long-term fit. My goal is to position you and your business to operate successfully without my ongoing advice.Do you have an advising "system"?I do not. Each relationship requires a unique approach based on the business's stage, the founder, the product, the team, and other factors. My goal is not to provide "one-size-fits-all" advice but to listen, learn, and gather as much context as possible before making any recommendations.How do we start the relationship?Complete the form here to schedule a no-commitment discovery call to see if I can add value.


Let's connect 1:1 for a free informational call.Simple fill out the form below and I'll get back to you within 48 hours to schedule.